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The day has finally arrived! Rowen appears from the fog! I struggled for a bit settling on her design, but I'm pretty happy overall with how she came out!

BTW the accent is because Rowen has a tongue more like a true whale (IE stiff and not really maleable.) so anything that requires tongue to palete gets rather swallowed.

SpiderForest's Anthology Kickstarting

SpiderForest's latest Anthology focuses on the immortal! As such Cabal from The Only Half Saga found himself center spotlight for the short story "Immortalized"!

Read it and 15 other short stories from SpiderForest Creators! Check out the Immortal Kickstarter going until May 22nd

SpiderForest Application Season Approaches!

That's right start preparing your application portfolio! SpiderForest is having their Summer Application season from June 10-30! If you're looking for a group that values diversity and works to lift every member up, consider applying for membership!

In 2009 I originally applied to become a SpiderForest member after urging by Kez of "What it Takes" - and I was rejected.

Took my lumps, licked my wounds and continued making the story I loved.

Two years later in 2011, Kez urged me to once again apply. To be fair, I was reluctant to - still feeling a bit of the sting of that initial rejection. But she convinced me to once more take the plunge. That year Plague was accepted into the fold, and I have been creating my works under their banner since then.

The one thing I really love about the community is that everyone has a voice, every one and their visions are valued. We learn and teach and collaborate together. And I'm very glad I swallowed my bruised pride in 2011 and tried again!

Please check out the Apply Page for all the requirements!