As I was reading this chapter trying to figure out art flow, I realized this short conversation is followed by a completely different scene. So I had to add some kind of transition to the bottom part of the page rather than try to ramrod a transition into the mix right now. O_o So I hope you find this sufficient to get Michael through his Friday. :)
Spiderforest Application Season!
That's right it's THAT time again! Spiderforest is accepting applications now through the 31st! The voting round will run through August and results should be disseminated by September.
If you have a long form or strip comic in any genre that is updating regularly, has at least one non prologue chapter (longform) or twent-five strips for gag-a-day or other strip comics, and is free to read on the web, consider applying to our Collective!
For questions or to read our policy/requirements please stop by the Apply Page.
Good luck to all who apply!