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Ghost Town

Looks like school is pretty much a ghost town between classes, right? I'm taking this right out of my own experiences as a teacher actually. I have prep at second period at the middle school where I work and it is so blessedly quiet...

Looks, however, like it's giving Michael the creeps...

Novel News!

We officially have a release date! :) Michael: The Cause will be available on Amazon/Kindle in both ebook and print on April 18th! Stay tuned for links and further news on how to get a copy of my first ever YA Novel.

This is the story off which this comic is based, and I'm really happy with the way the revision went!

As one of my most popular stories from Fictionpress, I'm excited to see if that tranlates into a popular novel!

It's much much different from it's first appearance over on the Ficitonpress site... pared down in terms of the scope of Michael's dilemmas (with the hope that it doesn't end up dragging. :P ).

With luck, this will be a four book series... one for each of his high school years. :)

Speaking of Novels...

I'm planning on rolling out THREE novel's or story collections this year. Michael (obvs) this spring... Promises Promises (A Brothers Martin Novel) and OF Dhampirs and WArlocks (A TOHS novel currently running an arch over on TOHS's comic site)